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  • Writer's pictureCrystal Making Gainz

Live a Little

It's incredibly easy to fall into a routine. I know all too well and in my experience it can become an unintended comfort zone. Routines become difficult habits to break, but it can be done with a little dedication and time. They can turn into unhealthy obsessions that lead us to a place we never imagined we would end up. Some people become so dependent on their routines that they avoid anything out of their particular normal way of life. Happy hour? Doesn't exist. Birthday parties? Only if the party is for someone incredibly special and breaking the routine is worth it. Hanging out with friends? Highly unlikely.

They're Taking Over

Why would anyone want to live a life with a constant routine? The answer is it's easy. The brain becomes conditioned to think a certain way and the routine is an automatic activity. Think about a robot performing one specific task repeatedly. Day in and day out, it's the same. Being robotic seems like it could be interesting until you think about the Terminator and then the story changes. Are having routines important? Absolutely. Should they take over your life? No.

Routines Galore

I felt compelled to write this blog post because I became a victim of the routine mentality until recently. Don't get me wrong, routines are important and some should not be given up; like showering. The problem comes when routines take over and the willingness to change any part of it to fit in anything else simply does not exist. Life events simply don't play a role in a routine and can disrupt everything. The ability to adapt declines and the perpetual routine cycle continues. My habit of routines had appeared to be beneficial until I realized how much they really held me back. I missed out on too many events in my life because I felt a need to stick with my routine. Dating even became an issue for me because it interfered with my routines. Ultimately, what I realized is that without a break from a routine I was preventing myself from growing. I became so efficient with my ability to consistently remain determined to stick with my routine that I couldn't picture doing anything else.

Stop the Madness

My concern with having an obsession over my routine is the simple fact that it interfered with becoming the greatest version of myself. Routines became a distraction mechanism from what I wanted to do in the future. I have become fully aware of what I've unintentionally done and I'm in the process of learning how to let go and live a little. When I say a little, I really mean a little. It's a process. One area which this new approach of my mindset has impacted involves fitness. I've actually cut back on the number of days I lift and the amount of time I spend in the gym. Mentally, it was incredibly difficult in the beginning and I still struggle. I had an overwhelming amount of fear that if I cut back on what I was doing that my physique would suffer. I didn't want to turn into the Pillsbury Doughboy after all the work I had put in to lose 83 pounds. What ultimately happened was the exact opposite. I lost more body fat and leaned up quicker than I could have ever imagined. Letting go of my fear proved to be more beneficial than I ever thought possible.

Wake Up

It's amazing what limiting beliefs we impose on ourselves and don't even realize. I like to reflect on my life to determine what areas I need to improve; the good, the bad, the ugly, and everything else. Reflection is key to reaching the best version of yourself. Revisiting ideas from years ago is always something I like to do because it helps me consider whether they still apply. If they don't seem to benefit me now, I reevaluate whether I should modify them or completely get rid of them. I think about the process as being similar to keeping a pair of jeans from high school for no apparent reason other than they may fit again one day or the nostalgia factor of the memories associated with them. Do I need the jeans? No. Will I get rid of them? Yes, the time has come.

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