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  • Writer's pictureCrystal Making Gainz

The Evolving Perspective

As naive as it sounds, until a few years ago, I always thought my perspective was something that was fixed and not malleable. The older I get, the more I realize that belief was severely limiting my ability to be happy. I’ve had many different experiences in my life that have drastically influenced my perspective; some more positive than others. What I’ve realized throughout the process is I have the power within myself to change my perspective and be a happier person.

When you can reflect on negative situations and realize that they are actually happening for you instead of to you, it will give you a better outlook on life. The process can be difficult if you’ve never thought of life as happening for you because many different questions will probably come up. When I started the process of thinking that way, I would always wonder why things were happening. Once I was able to recognize the lesson in whatever I was facing, I felt like I was gaining more knowledge and becoming powerful as opposed to feeling powerless.

From Losing to Lesson

A few years ago, I was passed up for a promotion at work and was completely devastated. I had put in hours upon hours of overtime, was on-call for any potential crisis which may arise, went above and beyond for the executives in the office, and I wasn't being paid nearly as much as I should have been. I felt like I deserved the promotion as I experienced this atmosphere for over three years. When I found out I wouldn’t be receiving a promotion, I initially felt grief and sadness, but then I felt motivated. I realized that it was time for me to move on and find something better. I managed to find a better job with an increase in pay and great benefits within a relatively short period of time, but it wasn’t easy for me. Leaving a job I felt passionate about was difficult, but necessary. The lesson through all of this was I needed to see my worth. If you don’t know your worth, people will take advantage and use you.

How Did I Change My Perspective?

You’ll hear time and time again that if you don’t feel confident you need to fake it until you make it. Do you know what that really means? Of course you can throw on a sparkly smile and prance around like you own every street you walk on, but you need to believe that you are confident. I had to learn how to change what I believed before I could attempt to revamp my perspective. The process wasn’t easy for me in the beginning and felt very awkward, but I continued to work toward my goal of becoming a happier person. The basic principle behind modifying your perspective is to reframe your beliefs.

My Secret Weapon

One of the biggest factors in helping me become the person I am today is the influence of books. As of today, I’ve read 30 books since the end of January 2018 and they have helped me realize the value of perspective. Many of the books I read are nonfiction and focused primarily on psychology as I like to learn more about our thought processes. If I had to choose one book to recommend, it would be Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl. The book was, at times, difficult to read as the author explained his life in Nazi concentration camps, but his thoughts are absolutely invaluable and prove that people are resilient. I felt like a changed person after I finished reading the book and I know you will, too.

In Case You Forgot . . .

Please don't forget to remember that people think differently than you do. Perspective is purely subjective and what other people think of you really doesn’t matter; what you think of you is what truly matters. We all see things differently and that’s what makes us unique. The value of changing your perspective in life will prove to help you become a happier, healthier, and a more optimistic person. Give it a try and see what happens.

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